Good Afternoon Harriers,

I’m sure you’re all aware of the impact the coronavirus is having across the country and indeed the world.

Unfortunately, this impact is now affecting Overton Harriers weekly training sessions.  This morning we received communication from England Athletics, advising that all face-to-face activity such as club training sessions, events and meetings, be suspended until at least the end of April.

Therefore, the club committee has taken the decision in line with this advice, to cease ALL club training sessions (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays) WITH IMMEDIATE AFFECT, until it is deemed safe to resume.
This means the ORC will NOT be open for any training runs. 

Whilst it’s very frustrating to have to cancel training sessions, the committee feels that the health and wellbeing of our members is paramount in these uncertain times.

However, whilst you may not be able to train at the club, this doesn’t mean you need to stop running.  The Week Ahead e-mail sent out on a Sunday will tell you what the sessions will be, and we encourage you to try them for yourselves.  Please feel free to email your running friends and/or post your runs on Facebook to keep motivated.  Many of us are on Strava, so you can connect with club members to see what runs they have done and get some inspiration.
The committee is making sure it’s updated on all developments that concern club running and we will keep you all informed.  Please keep an eye on e-mails and Facebook for updates on training and all club events.
Thank you for your understanding.  Be safe and be well.

The Committee

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