As this bumper edition of the newsletter goes to press the Gibbet race has just happened, a great day thanks to all the marshals, volunteers and competitors.  Neil and Lee have been pot hunting round the  South East and two triathletes were in South Africa doing their thing. The Gibbet report will be in next month’s newsletter but news from the other hemisphere has already made it into this month’s.  The cross country season has finished on a bit of a flat note, for the men’s team which unsurprisingly  have been relegated into Division 2. Never mind there’s always the prospect of promotion next year.  The Track and Field season starts in earnest this month; contact the relevant captains if you wish to take
part, the more the merrier.
The Annual Harriers Presentation Evening is to be held on Friday 5th May at the Clock and Thyme.
Please see the attached menu. If you wish to attend, please could you reply to Sarah McCann
For the full newsletter click here

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